Green Nation Smart & Energy Efficient Office
The Green Nation Smart & Energy Efficient office is not only a sustainable model but a universal one.
Jethrine Mugumya
Jeffrey Tucker
Anu-Vu Phan
Vincent Nguyen
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Earth Hacks 2019
From multiple pre-existing ideas and combined them to make the ultimate environmentally friendly office.
What it does
It is energy efficient, works toward achieving zero waste.
How they built it
Pre-existing ideas and powerpoint
Challenges they ran into
Time and tackling too many problems at once.
Accomplishments they are proud of
Got a PowerPoint and made a 2D model based on a combination of pre-existing ideas that could be applicable in real life.
What they learned
Learned more about sustainable architecture, natural ventilation, and biomimicry
What’s next?
We will tackle changing the office culture to encourage employees to become more environmentally sustainable themselves
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